European Industrial Heritage
Summer School
Shaping Sustainability in Industrial Heritage
2024 at HTW Berlin
We welcomed 22 inspiring and highly motivated young people from 12 countries.
With their different study backgrounds ranging from architecture to history and from sustainability to restoration, they spent two intensive weeks getting to know various industrial heritage sites, talking to regional and international experts and working on their own projects.
The project work focused on the topics of ‘Climate communication at industrial heritage sites’, ‘Berlin clubs as places where young people come into contact with industrial heritage’, ‘Industrial heritage in a suitcase – a self-exploration on the Wilhelminenhof campus’ and ‘Giving history a face and a voice – workers in Oberschöneweide’.
A group of doctoral students worked on creating a matrix for dealing with the topic of sustainability at industrial heritage sites.
We are delighted that work is continuing on individual projects and that we were able to invite all students to present their projects in an online session of the ERIH Young Professional Network.
The next European Industrial Heritage Summer School is expected to take place in summer 2026.
Interested parties can sign up for a mailing list here: industrial-heritage@htw-berlin.de
ERIH Young Professionals Network
One student project from the Summer School 2023 has already been implemented. The idea for an “ERIH Young Professionals Network” was presented to the ERIH Network at the Annual Conference in November 2023. Since then the network has been growing. We invite you to join the ERIH Young Professionals Network and connect with students all over Europe.
Email: young-professionals@erih.net
Impressions of 2024
Rückschau (DE)
»Summer School 2023«
Industrial Heritage x Sustainability
Award Winning Summer School 2023
In August we welcomed 17 young people from Europe and beyond in Berlin for our first Industrial Heritage Summer School. For two weeks we discussed the connection between industrial heritage and sustainability.
The great diversity of the different study backgrounds of our students enriched the Summer School immensely. We had students of:
Museum Studies, Cultural Studies, (Public) History, Industrial Archaeology, Culture and Tourism Management, Architecture and Urban Planning, as well as Historic Preservation, Sustainability and Communication Studies with us.
Together we visited several sites of industrial heritage in Berlin and met with experienced colleagues at the Museum of Technology, the Pfefferberg, the Historic Port and Tempelhof Airport, the Peter-Behrens-Bau and the former Kulturhaus in Schöneweide.
In discussions with international Industrial Heritage experts, the students developed projects of their own. They met experts such as TICCIH President Miles Oglethorpe (Scotland), ERIH Vice President Adam Hajduga (Poland) or Public Historian Donna Graves (USA).
The Summer School 2023 was rewarded with the „Best Practice Award“ of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.
If you want to know more, please read the HTW Berlin “Campus-Story”.
Unsere Kooperationspartner
»Study & Work Camp 2021«
Behind the Scenes – Discover Industrial Heritage
»Was ist „Industrial Heritage“ oder „Industriekultur“ eigentlich? Warum ist sie relevant für Berlin? Wer bewahrt das industriekulturelle Erbe und wie können wir alle zu seinem Erhalt beitragen?
Wir haben im Sommer 2021 junge Erwachsene aus ganz Europa eingeladen, diese Fragen gemeinsam mit uns in verschiedenen Workshops zu beantworten. Gekommen sind 14 Teilnehmer:innen aus sieben Nationen – aus Deutschland, Frankreich, Bulgarien, Italien, Polen und sogar aus Japan und Mexiko.
Zwei Wochen lang erkundeten die 17- bis 26-Jährigen die Hauptstadt und blickten hinter die Kulissen der Berliner Industriekultur. Auf dem Programm standen spannende Führungen, das Erlernen von Restaurierungstechniken und viele Gespräche mit Kunst- und Kulturschaffenden. Das Camp endete mit einem restauratorischen Arbeitseinsatz im Dokumentationszentrum NS-Zwangsarbeit.
Gemeinsam mit den Internationalen Jugendgemeinschaftsdiensten (ijgd), der European Route of Industrial Heritage (ERIH) und dem Studiengang »Konservierung, Restaurierung, Grabungstechnik« der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW Berlin) haben wir das Camp 2021 erstmalig organisiert.
Unsere Kooperationspartner